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Who are nowadays generations?

   We can verify a huge generational gap between people born before the late 80’s and the early 90’s. Their behaviour has changed in many ways and so have their interests.


   Along the times the generations were given different names by demographers, some examples are Generation X (1965-1980); Millennials (1981-1996); Postmillenial/Generation Z (1997-2000’s), psychologist Jean Twenge calls “iGens” to those born between 1995 and 2012.


   The last two generations are known for some specific characteristics and behaviours such as the omnipresent of technology and their dependence of it, the economic context of income disparity, their fullness and dignity among many others.


   This generation are characterized by their poor emotional health, thanks to being exposed to technology and social media in a tender age. According to Twenge, the new media is making teens feel more lonely, anxious, depressed and pressured as they must construct the “ideal” image and fit into the many patterns the media society has created, iGens care about their aspect, they live with their phones and more than anyone they know how to communicate with virtual and regular language. This generation that never knew a world “before the internet” became more sedentary, they depend on it. Teens spend hours texting, sharing and streaming videos, chatting, web surfing etc. This leads to a more closed and confined life, it is in this generation where we can very the increase of teens facing depression and having a poorer mental health, that which comes from the social pressure created by social media and the academic and job market pressure.


   However, this very own generation, despite having the problems and anomalies listed before, are capable of many things. For example, they are great multitaskers and they can adapt easily to many situations and they know that there’s a constant need for knowledge, which they eventually look for.


   To sum up, nowadays generation is a huge conglomerate of people around the world born in a world where technology was already at its peak, they dwell and thrive in a world that is becoming more and more about technology, although it causes them emotional and personal harm, they manage to overcome those situations, because at the end of the day, they’re a force to be reckoned with!


By: Jorge Oliveira

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