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What is normal language?

   “Normal language” can be an easy concept to understand but, sometimes, it can also become a little complicated. When thinking about this concept, the simplest definition is that it is the language that we know and have known since the day we were born. The question is: is that what it really is?


   There can be many ways to explain something that is considered normal. In this case, when referring to the language we use daily, it really means the language we use to communicate, the language we use to do everything we need to do in our lives.  


   The concept of “normal language” has changed as times have also changed. If we think about the oldest generations, they most certainly didn’t know that much about the same types of language that we know in the present days, and, with the new types of technology, and all the developments made to all that is connected to it, they surely wonder what most of the things we talk about are.  


   The truth is that are many ways to put these thoughts in perspective. We may see it on the good side and say that the changes were for the best. That way, hopefully, everyone can understand that having more and better ways to talk about something is a huge help for everyone. But, if we want to be fair, we also need to see it from the perspective of those who think about this as something bad or simply not that good, even if the reason why they think about it that way is because they don’t want to make an effort to understand and appreciate the upgrading of the language. 


   Normal language is just the basic of everything we know nowadays. It is actually getting a little bit confusing to make a differentiation between what should really be considered “normal” and the new things that we just got so used to say and use, that we probably see them as if they are included in this category but in reality, they are not. 


   The world is only getting more and more evolved and dependent on technology and, for that matter, everyone should know that it won’t stop and the youngest generations will continue to create and cultivate new ways of thinking and so, the concept of “normal language” will continue to grow and change. We only need to see it in a perspective that will allow us to comprehend and enjoy the changes that come.


By: Andreia Silva

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