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The different meaning of heart emojis.












   Emojis are a big world. We use them to communicate with everyone, to express ourselves and even to explain what we can't explain with words. What most people don't know is that emojis have different meanings. We are going to show the different meanings of the heart emojis.


   There are, at the moment, 17 heart emojis, each one with its meaning.


   Red Heart, the classic heart emoji, means love, passion and romance love, but also friendship and strong bond. The Orange Heart can mean a half-hearted love, or that you don't want a relationship and just be friends. Yellow Heart is used to represent the purity of the heart and a cordial love, but not so much in the romantic context (rather for friendship, happiness and the joy of life). The Green Heart is used to depict a healthy lifestyle and nature. However, it is known as the jealous heart, which means that it can predict trouble in a relationship or the hope for reconciliation. Also, it is used on St Patrick's Day. When we use the Blue Heart, we are saying that we have confidence. It represents loyalty, platonic love, faithfulness and friendship. It also represents the awareness of autism, love of water, love of the ocean, love of water sports or even expression of a fetish. Purple Heart is used to represent understanding and compassionate love, affection and care. It is used for Mother's Day, in messages between parents and children, by people that are in the fashion world and to represent glamour. The Black Heart shows a dark and twisted sense of humor and the dark side of the soul. Besides that, it is used to show grief and sorrow.


   These 7 emojis are the normal hearts, and the ones whose meaning is more interesting. Now, we will show the rest of them.


   The Broken Heart shows suffering and pain, usually from someone that is lovesick at the moment. Heart Exclamation Point emphasizes that you really like something or someone. Two Hearts are used in a more decorative way, generally in a romantinc text and between girls. The Revolving Hearts represent the love between two persons. The Beating Heart has two symbols. The first one, is a strong connection and strong feelings for someone or something. The second one is that a baby is on the way. The Growing Hearts shows that the feelings are getting deeper, that the love is growing. Sparkling Heart means that someone is doting on you. Heart with Arrow expresses romantic feelings in messages. Heart with Ribbon shows that someone has your love. It is used on Valentine's Day, birthdays or when someone gives you his heart. Heart Decoration stands for love, attention and affection of your conversation partner.


   The difference of some of these emojis can be very confusing, but once we know them, we can be careful with which one do we use with whomever we are talking to. Some of them are very special.


   (, 4/12/2018)

   Image source:


By: Catarina Soares

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